Compass Blog #005_By Nick S

You haven’t had a primary care appointment in three years.
You’re encouraged by someone you love to go ahead and schedule one, just to be safe, a routine Primary Care appointment.
You call the Main Compass line: (740) 355–7102
The lady is nice and schedules you an appointment at the end of the month with Ryan Carpenter.
The day of the appointment you show up at the 1634 11th Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662 Location. And you have to pull into the parking lot on your right going east on 52, which might be
confusing if someone is coming from the West, just because of the one way.
You walk in and there’s maybe 4 other people in the waiting room, and you walk to the Front Office window to get checked in, and they ask for your insurance. There’s some confusion about
your insurance, because they haven’t seen it before—you just recently set it up on
(See Previous blog for how Compass can help with insurance)
Compass’ Outreach and Enrollment Specialist, Kristen Baker, comes out and lends a hand with the never-before-seen insurance package.
You get it sorted out finally and you’re in the waiting room, watching a couple of the TV’s with Compass programming, which include Spectrum News, calisthenic kinds of exercise routine
suggestions, yoga stretches, and how to make low-calorie personal pizzas.
Those pizza’s look great.
They call your name to the appointment now and take some measurements of height and weight and blood pressure, and then takes you back to another office where Certified Nurse
Practitioner Ryan Carpenter is supposed to see you.
You sit on the table and wait a few minutes, checking your phone, waiting for the appointment, a little bit in anticipation of you don’t know what.
When Ryan appears he his polite and upbeat.
You tell him you’re just trying to establish basic care; you go through some limited past medical issues. He listens. He provides a variety of options for continued care in any of those areas.
He also brings up a variety of questions relating to your long-term personal health and well-being that you wouldn’t really think of such as:
-We like to remind people to wear a seat belt.
-Have you had a tetanus shot as an adult?
-Do you receive regular Dental and Eye Care, and from who?
He’s thorough.
He does the basic lung, throat, ear check with implements.
Summer activities come up, and you mention that you’re going down to Savannah Georgia for a few days, and Ryan relays a story that, back in 2008, he was in Savannah Georgia with his friends, and those Segway things has just come out, and most of them had a governor on them to slow it down, but one of the Segways didn’t, and so they all had a blast taking turns on that one and flying around Savannah.
You and Ryan feel good about appointment, he schedules you some blood work that you can walk in for any time in the morning in the next couple days and do.
Ryan thanks you for your time.
You walk back out to the waiting room following the blue arrows on the ground and check out at the receptionist window.
An overall pleasant experience.
Providers and Staff @ Compass Community Health are ready to serve, and meet you where you’re at:
Reach out today!
-Message us on Facebook @ Compass Community Health
-Call: 740-355-7102
-Address: 1634 11th St, Portsmouth, OH 45662